Home Defense
& Security Consulting
As the political climate continues to fluctuate in our country and the police face higher demands with less resources, it is becoming more and more important for us to have a plan and be prepared to defend ourselves and our loved ones.
Your home should be your safe haven, one where your family should be able to relax and not worry about threats. Delta Tactical Defense offers home defense security consulting because training in home security is just as important as training to stay safe in public.
It’s easy to let your guard down when we return home and feel like nothing bad will occur. The reality is, you never know when you could become a victim of a home invasion or burglary. It’s important that you and your family have a home defense plan to react quickly and ensure the safety of your home.
FBI statistics show that there are over 1 million burglaries each year across the country. That works out to one burglary every 25.7 seconds and approximately 3300 home break-ins per day. Home burglars are drawn to homes that do not have alarm systems, adequate lighting, security cameras, or any other home security measures. 27% of the time a home robbery occurs, someone is at home while the burglary occurs, and 26% of those homeowners are harmed.
With our complete home defense security consultation, we will evaluate your home and come up with a home fortification strategy, providing you with a proposal of different suggested security measures to be implemented in and around your home to prevent theft and unwanted visitors. We will also help you come up with a home defense plan in the event that you find yourself in the middle of a home invasion or burglary.